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Coltishall Primary School

Year 4 Chestnut

Welcome to Chestnut Class


Welcome to Chestnut Class, hopefully this information will be helpful in the coming year and will explain some of what will be happening as we start a new school year. 


Staff in Chestnut Class

This year the children will be taught by myself, Mrs Ward and we will be fortunate enough to be supported by a range of school staff including Miss Cowburgh, Miss Sizer and Mrs Terrington. Interventions, for those who need them, will be put in place as quickly as possible and reviewed regularly. On a Monday afternoon, Mrs Miles-Bagshaw will be delivering Music and French, alongside PE/Games with Mr Paul Ward. Cover for Mrs Ward will be by either Mrs Miles-Bagshaw or Mrs Rundle. Mrs Ward will take the children swimming on Tuesday mornings an alternate half terms (1st, 3rd and 5th).


PE kit, bags and equipment

On PE  / swimming days, children come to school in PE kit. This will mean on Mondays the children will be expected to come in wearing their PE kit as well as on Tuesdays when we have swimming. the children will need their swimming gear in a bag on these days. On the half terms we do not swim, there will be a PE session on Thursdays, which the children will need to come in PE kit for.


All stationary equipment will be provided in class so there will be no need for children to bring in their own, nor will they be able to bring in fidget toys unless it has been cleared already by myself. We only have a small area for coats in Chestnut class, so unless it is a swimming day please can we not bring in bags as we do not have the space. If your child is moving between households or there is another unavoidable reason for them to have a bag this is fine, but otherwise a coat, water bottle and lunch box is all they need. 


Drop off and pick up

We ask parents to drop off and collect their children off at the outside classroom door at 8:40am for a 8:50am start and pick-up will be at 3:15.


Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a valuable way of keeping you up to date with events in the classroom. We use it

widely to send reminders and notices out so that you are kept in the picture as much as possible.

It is also a quick and easy way for you to communicate with us at any time of the day. The

messages you send us cannot be seen by other parents and so the communication is private. We

would urge you to check Class Dojo on a daily basis, if you do not get instant alerts and



Homework, Reading at home and Knowledge Organisers

Homework will continue much the same as last year, with a weekly task given out on Friday, plus there will also be an open ended project to complete every half term.


Children should be reading at home regularly, however most of the children in Chestnut class should be beginning to read more independently. The reading records that were given out last year should mostly be filled in by the children, however if you would like to comment there is space. These will be collected on a Monday and  Thursday and reading raffle tickets will be given for each logged reading session.


Multiplication Tables

It is expected that by the end of Year 4 all children will know their times tables up to 12 x 12 and

the related division facts. This will be a big ask of some children but it is something we will be

working on throughout the year, and the children will be expected to take the government’ s Multiplication check in the summer term. At any opportunity, with any available resources, please encourage and support your child to become as fluent with them as possible. The children will all have login details for Times Table Rockstars and we encourage and reward regular use of this.


Trips and Year 4 Horstead Trip


This year we will be heading to the  Horstead residential trip in the second half of the winter term. Details for all other trips will be provided nearer the time, but if you have any questions or ideas please let me know.


Kind regards


Mrs Ward