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Coltishall Primary School home page

Coltishall Primary School

Our Governors

Every school has a governing body to represent the public and community in the running of the school.  Governors hold the school leadership team accountable and offer support and challenge. The governors are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education.  Our governors at Coltishall Primary bring perspectives & experience from their life & work to strive for excellence in the care and education of all children at the school.


All school governors at Coltishall Primary volunteer their time to work in partnership with the Headteacher to oversee the strategic development of the school with a common goal to provide a high standard of education for all pupils, whatever their ability or needs. New governors are always welcome to the board to bring diversity of experience, knowledge and ideas.  If interested please contact the chair of governors (email at the bottom of this page).


You will find below photos of our school governors below. All our governors are either elected (staff & parent) or appointed by the governing body (co-opted & Local Authority).


None of our governors have declared any relevant business & pecuniary interests.  Any relationships between governors & members of the school (including spouses, partners & relatives) are included in their personal information.  This is reviewed annually.


We hope that you find the information in this section useful and if you want to get in touch with governors please leave a message with the school office.


What is a register of business & pecuniary interests?

It is a list of any business or financial interests.  For example: the company the person or people close to them work for, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the school.

The register enables governors to demonstrate that in spending public money they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make.


Governors who serve on other School Governing Body Committees:


Dan Mckeown: St John the Baptist Catholic Multi Academy - Trust Director

Julie Ward: Wildflowers Nursery, Coltishall and Horstead - Chair of Trustees


Annual Governance Statement

Roles of Governors 2023/24

The School Governors and their roles

Clerk to the Governors

Governor's response to Norfolk County Council January 2023 PAN consultation

If you need a paper copy of information on this website, please contact the School Office.

To contact the chair of governors please email: