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Coltishall Primary School home page

Coltishall Primary School

School Performance

Please note, the current year's SATs results are not usually available until July at the earliest.

What is School Performance Data?


Please look at this BBC Website link for a good, clear explanation.

Where can I find Coltishall Primary School's performance data?


This Coltishall Performance link will take you directly to the official government page.

Where can I check & compare school performance data?


This Government Website link will let you check performance data from schools in England.

What are your latest Results?


Our latest results for the new SATs & the new Curriculum  are below.  Please note that the current year's SATs results are not usually available until September at the earliest.

Please note there is no data for EYFS, KS1 or KS2 SATS for 2020 and 2021 due to the cancellation of all tests due to Covid 19.

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