Our Values in Action
Our Values in Action
At Coltishall Primary our pupils are encouraged to take an active part in the smooth running of our school, which helps them to understand, appreciate & practice our visions, aims & values daily.
Buddy Groups
In our school we have a system called ‘Buddy Groups’.
In these buddy groups; you have one person from each year group and a top buddy from Year Six. The top buddy looks after the younger pupils and runs the meeting.
We have buddy groups so that we can mix with other year groups and make new friends in different classes instead of in just our own. They help the younger children by getting their confidence levels up as they mix with other pupils.
When you’re new, you may need someone to guide you and the buddy groups offer several people who you can trust. It also means there is always an older person who you can ask for advice.
This is why we love having buddy groups.
By Year 6 pupils
House Teams
Everyone entering the school is assigned to a house. These houses are:
- Yellowhammer
- Greenfinch
- Kingfisher
Each child is provided with a school cap in their house colour for use at school and for school trips and parents are asked to provide a PE T shirt in the appropriate colour, available for purchase from the Friends of the School.
At the start of each school year, Year 6 pupils are invited to nominate themselves for House and Vice Captains. They give a presentation about themselves to the children in their house who then vote for whomever they think will be best at the job.
Throughout the school year, house points are awarded for a variety of reasons, including: good work, effort, good behaviour and personal achievements. Each week it is the responsibility of the House Captains to collect and total the points, which are then announced in that week’s Friday celebration assembly.
Parents are welcome to attend any of these assemblies, during which a child or children from each class is chosen by their class staff to be Star of the Week to celebrate particular success; examples include: demonstrating improvement in attitude to learning; consistently working to the best of their ability; and being particularly kind and helpful. This is also an opportunity to share children’s other achievements both in and out of school.
Towards the end of the school year a sport’s day is held with all children competing on behalf of their house. The winning house’s colour is displayed on the school shield which is kept in Reception.
Yellowhammer 2024-2025
House Captains: Layla & James
Vice Captains: Logan & Jack D

Greenfinch 2024-2025
House Captains: Reuben & Sophie
Vice Captains: Florence & Jemima
Welcome to Greenfinch

Kingfisher 2024-2025
House Captains: Sophia & Ryan
Vice Captains: Billy & Harrison
Welcome to Kingfisher!!
Come on Kingfishers!
We can do it!!

School Council Reps 2024-2025
Chairperson - Corinne Whelan
Vice Chairs - Pierce Bayfield & Noach Childs-Crowley
Secretary - Jack Earl
Year 5: Reggie & Esme
Year 4: Will A & Sia
Year 3: Daisy & Isaac
School Council

Kasper Wall and Harry Prophet
are our Eco Warriors this year